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OneStop CLI tool

The onestop-cli tool provides a convenient command line interface for the OneStop search API.

Read the OneStop OpenAPI spec 2.0.0. Or check the OneStop OpenAPI spec 2.4.0.


Requirements -

Either golang, or docker. Direct downloads of binaries will be available in the future.

Install and run using a docker container (golang not required)

Pull the image from Docker Hub (version 2.4.2 and up available).

docker run cedardevs/onestop-cli:2.4.2 <CMD>

For example-

docker run cedardevs/onestop-cli:2.4.2 searchcollection --query="satellite"

For more commands and flags -

docker run cedardevs/onestop-cli:2.4.2 <CMD> --help

Download and use as Go package

Download the cli:

go get

or to get it from a specific branch:

GO111MODULE=on go get[branchname]

Run the cli:

~/go/bin/onestop --help


PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin onestop


export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin after which you can just call onestop


To use a semantic types (i.e.--type), the user can use a configuration to map type to UUID. For example-

  ABI-L1b-Rad : 5b58de08-afef-49fb-99a1-9c5d5c003bde
  ABI-L2-CMIP : 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222
  GLM-L2-LCFA : 33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333
  ABI-L2-FDC : 44444444-4444-4444-4444-444444444444

The CLI binary will look for a configuration named scdr-files-config.yml in /etc/scdr-files, $HOME/.scdr-files, and in the current working directory.

The docker image has a built in config containing the example config above.


Note: the following example commands assume you installed the cli using go get mentioned above.


Add --verbose to get more complete output. For example, to see what server is being used by default.

Run against a test or local API

Add the --server flag:

  • --server=
  • --server=localhost:8080/onestop-search/


The getcollectionbyid, getgranulebyid and getflattenedgranulebyid work the same way.

Get collection by id:

onestop getcollectionbyid ecb087a6-25cf-4bfa-8165-2d374c701646

The searchcollection, searchgranule and searchflattenedgranule work the same way.

There are two ways to specify queries and filters. A shorthand version and a longhand version. The shorthand uses flags, and the longhand is based on the JSON that would be required to curl the API directly.

by identifier

Find collection by file identifier:

onestop searchcollection --query="fileIdentifier:/gov.noaa.nodc:NDBC-COOPS/"

which is equivalent to the longhand version:

onestop searchcollection queries[]{type:queryText, value:fileIdentifier:\"gov.noaa.nodc:NDBC-COOPS\"}

by parent identifier

Search granule with parent identifier:

onestop searchgranule --query="parentIdentifier:\\"\"gov.noaa.nodc:NDBC-COOPS\\"\""

which is equivalent to:

onestop searchgranule queries[]{type:queryText, value:parentIdentifier:\"gov.noaa.nodc:NDBC-COOPS\"}

by date

Search collections start date:

onestop searchcollection --start-time=2016/03/02

which is equivalent to:

onestop searchcollection filters[]{ type:datetime, after:2016-03-02T00:00:00Z}

Or search by both start and end date:

onestop searchcollection --start-time=2016/03/02 --end-time=2017/02/01

which is equivalent to:

onestop searchcollection filters[]{ type:datetime, after:2017-01-01T00:00:00Z, before:2017-02-01T00:00:00Z}

by geometry

Shorthand geometries use WKT, as opposed to the longhand which is a polygon (such as would be represented in geoJSON).

Search collections with a geometry filter:

onestop searchcollection --area="POLYGON(( 22.686768 34.051522, 30.606537 34.051522, 30.606537 41.280903, 22.686768 41.280903, 22.686768 34.051522 ))"

which is equivalent to:

onestop searchcollection filters[]{ type : geometry }, filters[0].geometry{type : Polygon}, .geometry.coordinates[][]: 22.686768, 34.051522, []: 30.606537, 34.051522, []: 30.606537, 41.280903, []: 22.686768, 41.280903, []: 22.686768, 34.051522


Collections search with a query and filters:

onestop searchcollection --area="POLYGON(( 22.686768 34.051522, 30.606537 34.051522, 30.606537 41.280903, 22.686768 41.280903, 22.686768 34.051522 ))" --query="satellite"

Longhand query, including the --verbose flag to provide more logging:

onestop searchcollection filters[]{ type : geometry }, filters[0].geometry{type : Polygon}, .geometry.coordinates[][]: 22.686768, 34.051522, []: 30.606537, 34.051522, []: 30.606537, 41.280903, []: 22.686768, 41.280903, []: 22.686768, 34.051522, queries[]{type:queryText, value:satellite} --verbose

For complex query and filter structure, refer to the short hand documentation.

Note: As it is now, you cannot combine the flags with json shorthand. e.g. This will not work - onestop searchcollection --area="POLYGON(( 22.686768 34.051522, 30.606537 34.051522, 30.606537 41.280903, 22.686768 41.280903, 22.686768 34.051522 ))" --query="satellite" filters[]{ type:datetime, after:2017-01-01T00:00:00Z, before:2017-02-01T00:00:00Z}

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