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Data Load Process

Uploading Metadata

The system stores ISO XML metadata records in order to power its search results. All metadata documents must have a <gmd:fileIdentifier> tag containing either a <gco:CharacterString> or a <gmx:Anchor> tag with the identifier. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gmi:MI_Metadata xmlns:gco="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gmi="">

Optionally, the record can also have a <gmd:parentIdentifier> tag (also containing either a <gco:CharacterString> or a <gmx:Anchor> tag) to indicate that the record is a child of another. In this case, the parentIdentifier of the child record must match the fileIdentifier OR the doi of the parent record verbatim. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gmi:MI_Metadata xmlns:gco="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gmi="">
    <gco:CharacterString>[CHILD'S FILE IDENTIFIER]</gco:CharacterString>
    <gco:CharacterString>[PARENT'S FILE IDENTIFIER]</gco:CharacterString>

These documents can be uploaded, retrieved, and deleted from the system using REST-style requests around the /onestop-admin/metadata resource endpoint.

HTTP Method Endpoint Body Action
POST /onestop-admin/metadata ISO XML Upload a metadata record 1
GET /onestop-admin/metadata/[internal-id] (none) Retrieve a metadata record 2
GET /onestop-admin/metadata?fileIdentifier={value};doi={value} (none) Retrieve a metadata record 3
DELETE /onestop-admin/metadata/[internal-id] (none) Delete a metadata record 2, 4
DELETE /onestop-admin/metadata?fileIdentifier={value};doi={value} (none) Delete a metadata record 3, 4
  • 1: Note that POSTing an XML record with the same fileIdentifier or DOI as a previously-POSTed record will result in replacing that record.
  • 2: The response to POSTing a record will include an internal ID which is used in these requests.
  • 3: Records can also be retrieved or deleted by providing the associated fileIdentifier and/or DOI value(s) as request parameters. If fileIdentifier and DOI provided match multiple records, all found records will be returned or deleted.
  • 4: Note that DELETEing a collection-level metadata record will result in the deletion of all associated granules too UNLESS there is an included recursive=false in the query string (e.g, DELETE {...}/onestop-admin/metadata/123?recursive=false). Use of this endpoint for facilitating collection-level metadata updates should be limited to breaking changes that require a re-upload of granules – such as a fileIdentifier change.