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Registry Overview

The registry provides a horizontally-scalable API and storage for granule- and collection-level metadata backed by Kafka.

Incoming metadata can be in either JSON or ISO-19115 XML format.

It publishes metadata updates to Kafka, then uses a Kafka Streams app to aggregate those raw metadata events, merging them with previous events to provide a full picture of the metadata for each granule and collection.

The RESTful Interface

Interactions with the registry API are centered around the endpoint:



  • The context-path is explicitly set at time of deployment (otherwise localhost:8080)
  • The type is one of the enum values for the RecordType object:
    • collection
    • granule
  • The source is one of the following:
    • For collection types: comet or unknown (default)
    • For granule types: common-ingest, class, or unknown
  • The id is a UUID value that can be either auto-generated or manually created.

This API abides by JSON API specifications.

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NOTE: In addition to these user docs about the API, there is also an OpenAPI specification describing the details of all available endpoints. The specification is hosted by the API itself, at {context-path}/openapi.yaml.

Creating And Replacing Documents

Create and replace documents using PUT and POST requests.

  • The type must be specified
  • Omitting the source will result in the source being set to unknown
  • Omitting the id will cause PSI to generate a UUID value as the id to be used.

Successful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "id"  : "<idValue>",
  "type": "<typeValue>"

Unsuccessful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "errors": []

Retrieving Documents

Retrieve stored documents using GET and HEAD requests. Requests sent to the above base URL will return the original input metadata in the Input format. Requests sent to {baseURL}/parsed will return in the ParsedRecord format. The returned object is located in the data.attributes key of the returned JSON.

  • The type must be specified
  • Omitting the source will result in the source being set to unknown
  • The id must be specified

Found documents will return a response body with the format:

  "links" : {
    "input"     : "<inputUrlValue>",
    "parsed"    : "<parsedUrlValue>",
    "self"      : "<selfReferencingUrlValue>"
  "data" : {
    "id"        : "<idValue>",
    "type"      : "<typeValue>",
    "attributes": "<resultObject>"

NOTE: The links object will contain either the input or parsed URL, but not both. The self URL will refer to the endpoint at which the request was received, and that URL is the one that will not be present.

If the document isn’t found and doesn’t exist, a response body will be returned with the format:

  "links" : {
    "input"   : "<inputUrlValue>",
    "parsed"  : "<parsedUrlValue>",
    "self"    : "<selfReferencingUrlValue>"
  "errors": [
      "status": 404,
      "title" : "NOT_FOUND",
      "detail": "No input exists for <typeValue> with id [<idValue>] from source [<sourceValue>]"

NOTE: If the request is received at the {baseURL}/parsed endpoint, the links object will contain both self and input URLs, under the assumption the parsed record may not yet be available. However, a request received at the {baseURL} endpoint will only contain the self value.

If the document isn’t found but the id references a deleted document, the following response body will be returned:

  "links" : {
    "resurrection": "<resurrectionUrlValue>",
    "self"        : "<selfReferencingUrlValue>"
  "errors": [
      "status"    : 404,
      "title"     : "NOT_FOUND",
      "detail"    : "DELETE processed for <typeValue> with id [<idValue>] from source [<sourceValue>]"

Updating Existing Documents

If the original input metadata format is JSON, PATCH requests can be used to modify or add subsections of the record. Currently, PATCH requests will fully replace an existing key-value pair or add a new one to the final merged document. JSON lists and objects sent in a PATCH request should therefore be the desired complete element.

XML PATCH requests are not supported.

  • The type must be specified
  • Omitting the source will result in the source being set to unknown
  • The id must be specified

Successful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "id"  : "<idValue>",
  "type": "<typeValue>"

Unsuccessful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "errors": []

Deleting Documents

Removing a document is possible with a DELETE request. This will “tombstone” the record in all downstream topics, which deletes it from any sinks connected to PSI (e.g. OneStop). Since PSI is modeled on the Kappa Architecture paradigm (see our architectural background page for some more info), the event(s) concerning any given record prior to a DELETE are still kept and so it is possible to “undo” a DELETE with a resurrection request. But…

WARNING: Deleting a record via an intentially empty request body (i.e. "") on a PUT or POST is a non-guaranteed and unclean way to purge a metadata record from downstream sinks that cannot be undone through the Registry API. Don’t do it!

  • The type must be specified
  • Omitting the source will result in the source being set to unknown
  • The id must be specified

Successful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "id"  : "<idValue>",
  "type": "<typeValue>"

Unsuccessful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "errors": []

Resurrecting Deleted Documents

A document that has been DELETEd can be resurrected with a GET request to {baseUrl}/resurrection.

  • The type must be specified
  • Omitting the source will result in the source being set to unknown
  • The id must be specified

Successful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "id"  : "<idValue>",
  "type": "<typeValue>"

Unsuccessful operations will return a response body with the format:

  "errors": []

NOTE: This functionality is ONLY available if a record was removed via a DELETE request.