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Requires: Java 8+

Use Gradle to build the components with: ./gradlew build

The build produces the following artifacts for each component:

  • docker image
  • fat, executable jar
  • thin war
    • N/A for parsalyzer; it is not a web application
  • sources jar

Note: To build only the jar and war artifacts, e.g. if docker is unavailable, use:

./gradlew build -x BuildDockerImage

As a result of these various artifacts, there are a variety of ways to…


There are several ways to deploy the system, corresponding with the several artifacts that it produces.

Executable Jars


  1. Java 8+
  2. A running kafka cluster

You can deploy the components of PSI by setting env variables to point to Kafka and running the -all jars with java:

java -jar registry/build/libs/psi-registry-$VERSION-all.jar
java -jar parsalyzer/build/libs/psi-parsalyzer-$VERSION-all.jar
Variation: External Servlet Container

The registry web application can also be deployed into an externally-managed servlet container using its war artifact. For example it might look something like this for a Tomcat installation:

cat << EOF > $CATALINA_HOME/bin/

cp registry/build/libs/psi-registry-$VERSION.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps

Docker Images


  1. Docker (or another container engine)

Another option is to use the docker images built by this project. For example, these commands will create and run containers for the registry and parsalyzer, as well as Kafka and Zookeeper using the well-maintained Confluent Platform images.

docker network create psi

docker run -d \
  --name zookeeper \
  --network psi \
  --expose 2181 \

docker run -d \
  --name kafka \
  --env KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181 \
  --network psi \
  --expose 9092 \

docker run -d \
  --name schema-registry \
  --env SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST_NAME=schema-registry \
  --network psi \
  --expose 8081 \

docker run -d \
  --name psi-registry \
  --env KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=kafka:9092 \
  --env SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL=http://schema-registry:8081 \
  --network psi \
  -p 8080 \

docker run -d \
  --name psi-manager \
  --env KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=kafka:9092 \
  --env SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL=schema-registry:8081 \
  --network psi \

Of course higher level tools can be used to manage these containers, like docker-compose, docker swarm, or…

Kubernetes + Helm


  1. kubectl, configured to point to any…
  2. Kubernetes cluster (e.g. minikube or docker desktop)
  3. The helm cli installed locally
  4. Tiller running in the cluster, via helm init

Finally, this project contains a helm chart located in in the helm directory. To deploy the entire system simply run:

helm install ./helm/psi

NOTE: The psi chart leverages the official Confluent helm chart to deploy zookeeper, kafka, and schema registry. See cp-helm-charts for more information.

NOTE: The images for this project are currently not published publicly. If your kubernetes hosts do not already have the images present they will have to pull them from a registry. To do so, you must create a regcred secret in your cluster:

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=... --docker-username=... --docker-password=... --docker-email=...