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OneStop Browser Client

Getting started

This guide focuses on running the OneStop browser client via Node for local development. To run the search API (used by the client) and other components, refer to the more expansive Developer Guide.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd client
  3. Run npm install
    • installs dependencies into ./node_modules
  4. Run one of the following:
    • npm run dev (search API on port 8097)
    • npm run kub (search API on port 30097)
    • Starts up webpack-dev-server hosting a hot-reload version of the client
    • Starts mocha in watch mode to automatically run the tests as you work
  5. Go to http://localhost:9090/onestop/

Format JavaScript+CSS with Prettier

Prettier is a code formatter . We actually use prettier-miscellaneous which is a fork allowing for more configuration. In particular, the breakBeforeElse option specified in our .prettierrc.json is not supported by the default prettier package.

Formatting is a manual process, but our CI builds will warn when a commit is not formatted.

Ideally, these should be done before every commit by the developer.

Dry-run with --list-different

npm run formatCheck

Overwrite files with fixed formatting

npm run format

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